Whoosh! To The Rescue...

Posted by Payton Wilmott On Tuesday, November 4, 2014 0 comments

Electronic devices are becoming more expensive than house whole appliances. If you went out and invested into a device so expensive then it’s logical to spend a little extra to protect your investment. This week I’ll share with you the does and don’ts of cleaning a LCD or LED screen whether it’s on a phone, tablet, TV, UHD TV, or laptop.
Cleaning Your Expensive Stuffs 101
First off, What Not To Do

  • Don’t use ethyl alcohol, acetone, toluene, ethyl acid, ammonia, or methyl chloride these chemicals will damage your display. So, don’t wonder anymore why your touch screen stopped working on your phone.
  • Always use a clean cloth, because tiny hard particles can get trapped in cloth fibers and leave scratches after use.
  • DO NOT use Windex or other glass cleaners! These generally contain ammonia and will spoil your LCD screen
  • Do not use paper towels. They leave behind tiny bits of paper that will mess up your display.
  • Avoid using pipe water when cleaning your LCD or LED screen; they usually have minerals that can damage the screen.

So What Can You Use To Clean Your Expensive Stuff?
Well folks you have two options if you’re planning to clean your device properly. There is the simply way or the hard somewhat technical way. Although, my friends call it cheap, poor man way and the normal way.
Option” A”
The Hard Somewhat Technical Way
You can make your own clean solutions with these steps. Just buy distilled water then mix it with a specific cleaning agent. The two most popular cleaning agents for homemade solutions are isopropyl alcohol and white vinegar. The choice comes down to personal preference, as both are effective at removing strong grunge. Avoid mixing the two though; just choose one stick with it. When using isopropyl alcohol, don’t use more than a 50/50 mix with distilled water. If you’re using vinegar, start with a 50/50 mix and add more vinegar if the solution isn’t strong enough. Vodka can work as a replacement for isopropyl alcohol. Plain Vodka folks, not the flavored ones you all been drinking.  Then use it with a non-abrasive cloth like a Microfiber Cloth, a Cotton T-shirt, or a Cotton handkerchief.

Option “B”
The Simply Way
Go out and buy a good LCD/LED screen cleaner if you are not a chemist and can’t handle option “A”. I emphases the word good, because they are some out there that is worst than throwing gasoline on your screen. If had to recommend one right now, I would go with WHOOSH! which cost around $1,000 for the small package or you can go large if you have the money. Yes, I said it right. The name is WHOOSH! and it comes with a cleaning cloth and solution. It worked wonders for my laptop and it helps resist fingerprint smudges on smart phones too.

Final Thoughts
I clean my devices weekly, because dirty screens are just gross, and the phone screen is going in your face daily! The products mentioned in this article were provided courtesy of Royale Computers and Accessories telephone#: 906-1067, 906-1068, and 754-5048.


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